The Dy Pools

For 200 years, Sydney’s sdy pools have been the city’s most beloved swimming retreat. Located along the city’s beaches and harbour, these rock pools, once known as bogey holes, beckon people from all walks of life. Children play beside their grandparents, swim teams run laps, and people of all ages find the salty water a tonic, an elixir of youth, and a place of belonging.

The sdy pools, some of them heritage-listed, are a reminder of the past but they’re also looking to the future. They are sheltered refuges where the essential salty rhythm of Sydney life continues. And, for some swimmers, they provide a sense of safety and security when the city’s beaches aren’t safe to swim.

Across Australia, nine in 10 people live within 20 minutes of a public pool facility, according to the Australian Pool Association. But, not all pools are equal. Some are private, some cost more to use, and some, like the sdy pool in Mosman, are only open seasonally.

A new wave of young locals have rediscovered the pools, as have visitors from all over the world. In the meantime, councils continue to struggle with funding. They face rising sea levels, dwindling maintenance funds and the challenge of attracting enough swimmers to make them sustainable.

Tucked into the base of cliffs and rocks at the edges of nearly all Sydney’s beaches, sdy pools are part of Australia’s long love affair with sea bathing. From the city’s iconic Bondi Icebergs to its quieter, rocky Coogee Pool, the unique tidal pools are a part of the country’s heritage. They offer swimmers a chance to experience the full range of Sydney’s coastal landscape, from wild waves to calm waters.

While the early-20th-century willingness to dynamite rocks, destroy habitats and build clean concrete walls would not pass environmental tests today, some sdy pools are working hard to mitigate the damage. At Fairy Bower, next to Cabbage Tree Bay in Manly, scientists are recreating homes for tiny creatures displaced by the pool’s construction.

Other sdy pools are undergoing major refurbishments, including the historic Elkington Park pool. The reopening in September 2021 will bring new water polo lights and solar panels, as well as engineering works to raise the decking floor to combat rising sea levels. But Tink isn’t satisfied that the project is on track, saying that a $10m grant meant for regional women’s sports muddied what should have been a straightforward restoration of an historic inner-city pool.

Is Roulette Worth the Risk of Losing Your Shirt?

Roulette is a casino game with a simple concept and surprising depth for serious players. It’s the most popular casino game and is played by millions of people worldwide. It is also one of the most recognizable casino games, thanks to its glamorous reputation. But is it worth the risk of losing your shirt if you spin it too often?

The game is played on a table marked with numbers from 1 to 36, with one or two zeros (depending on the American version) and several other sections affording the players a variety of betting options. The center of the table features a spinning dishlike device called a roulette wheel, into which a small ball is spun to come to rest in one of the compartments that correspond to the different numbers on the wheel. The player’s winning bet is determined by the number and its characteristics, such as whether it is red or black, odd or even, or if it falls within one of the two value ranges.

To play the game, you’ll purchase a set of chips from your dealer (also known as a croupier). Each chip is labeled with a specific denomination and can be purchased at any level between $1 and $100. Some casinos only accept certain types of currency, so you’ll want to check that your casino offers the type you prefer.

Once you’ve selected your amount, the croupier will give you a set of colored chips and place them on the table. Then she’ll explain the rules of the game and how to play, and you can begin placing your bets. Each time you bet, you must place your chips on the appropriate part of the table.

Each table carries a placard that describes the minimum and maximum bets allowed. It’s a good idea to choose a table that’s within your budget and that offers a minimum bet that’s low enough to make it possible to win at least some bets. You’ll also want to pay attention to the table’s symmetries, especially those that affect outside bets. For instance, all of the high red and low black numbers appear in one section of the table while all of the odd and even numbers are located together.

Once all bets are placed, the dealer will spin the wheel and roll a small ball into one of the compartments that correspond to each bet. Then, if your bet is correct, you’ll receive your winnings. If not, you’ll lose your chips and must wait for another round to try again. As with any casino game, it’s important to keep your bankroll in mind and not get carried away with the excitement of the moment. But if you follow these basic tips, you’ll be well on your way to winning some roulette chips!